This blog post is on growing and harvesting corn lamb lettuce. It is also called as corn lettuce or lamb lettuce. simply because the size and the shape of the leaves resemble of lamb’s tongue. Corn lamb lettuce is an easy to grow lettuce that survives the UK winter season. The hardiness in the UK is different from the US due to the different climates. Here is more information about it.
It is one of the few salad leaves that is survives even when there it’s snowing outside. It means that a few weeks of hard frost it would do too much damage. These plants need to harden off first in order to withstand the cold frosty weather. It is possible to grow them in the spring-summer season. However, in my opinion, given the choice of growing vegetables that will only survive in the spring-summer seasons, I know what I would choose to grow. This is especially if you have a limited amount of garden space.
It’s also in my opinion a fairly mild tasting salad. So gread to use in salad. This taste of the corn lambs lettuce can be affect by weather condition and growing coditions. The harsher the weather to more tougher the leaves will be.

Growing and harvesting corn lamb lettuce.
Try to get hold of some seeds online like eBay or in shops. I like to sow everything under covers or using a propagator. If the weather is optimum around 18 + degrees Celcius I would just use cover the seeds in a plastic bag. It is not necessary for the sun for seeds to sprout. This vegetable salad plant has the origins of being a weed so it is easy to grow. Of course, giving the optimum conditions like sun and well-drained manure compost it will even yield better. It is possible to grow them in containers.
It will take about 6 weeks when one can start sowing the leaves. However, this depends on the growing season. In the winter it will be a lot slower at least 3-4 months. So do give this lettuce a try.
Thank you for dropping by. Do have a look at my other salad or leafy vegetable growing tips. Here is one on growing and harvesting pak choi, sorrel and another on little gem lettuce.