The downside of gardening…. combating green cabbage caterpillar

When I first started blogging as I love gardening I told myself why I don’t I write something about gardening? Gosh how little I knew!! There are some amazing blogs out there on gardening then one my journey. I found a great facebook group called  Gardening Hints and Tips UK  It’s a great group lots of members on hand to help you with gardening do’s and don’t. Indeed I would of course take the advise with a pinch of salt. However it just saves time searching on google looking for the right and correct information.

I don’t monetize in any of the links I put here. I just post the links that I find useful and hopefully it will help in return.
Sometimes I use loo rolls of sow some carrot seeds as the weather has taken a turn for the cold lately the seedlings have taken their time to sprout. I found some mould on them but thanks advice from this group they continue growing till today.

mould loo roll I use to sow carrot seeds

Recently I found out that my purple sprouting broccoli looks like they have been chewed to death. Apparently it’s cabbage caterpillar tips are too remove them (caterpillar and eggs) and douse them with some chrysanthemum. So will try that and post the results. If anyone has got any advice to make these plants grow better it would be much appreciated as well. Happy gardening everyone.

I will post on chapter the outcomes of the methods recommended to combat green cabbage caterpillar. Update 20/9/2018 weather has taken a colder turn today. My purple sprouting broccoli are still surviving not by chrysanthemums but by putting mixture of salt and flour?!! No more caterpillar seen so far….finger crossed hope it stays this way….

1 thought on “The downside of gardening…. combating green cabbage caterpillar”

  1. Pingback: Growing and harvesting sprouting broccoli - Maker gardener

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